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BRIAN MOSHAYEDI (DOB: 9/7/1989) was arrested for murder by LAPD’s Hollywood Division on April 26, 2024. Bail was set at $1,000,000.

Height: 5 feet 7 inches
Weight: 220 pounds

Mother’s maiden name: Ghadimi

Arrested at 2:00 p.m. Booked at 6:42 p.m.

The district attorney’s office decided to file the following charges:

  • PC664-187(a)-F Attempted Murder (1 count)
  • PC422(a)-F       Threat to Commit a Crime with Intent to Terrorize (1 count)
  • PC245(a)(4)-F Assault with Deadly Weapon with Force: Possible Great Bodily Injury (2 counts)

Next court date: April 8, 2025
Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Center: Department 37

Brian Moshayedi is currently out of jail on a surety bond of $1,000,000 provided by Morris Demayo Bail Bonds. He is represented by Blair Bernholz Berk and John Drummond Barnett.

The case title is The People of the State of California vs. Brian Bijan Moshayedi.