(L.A.) Alexei Buznikov, 59, Died on His Boat
Case Number: 2023-15602
Los Angeles County is reporting the death of a 59-year-old White/Caucasian male that occurred in a boat residence.
The coroner’s office has identified the man as Alexei Buznikov.
Manner of Death: Accident
Cause of Death A: Positional Asphyxia
Cause of Death B: Fall
Other Significant Condition: Acute Alcohol Intoxication
RIP ALEXEI BUZNIKOV (December 24, 1963 – November 13, 2023)
Formal pronouncement of death was made on Monday at 12:09 p.m.
Ruling by the deputy medical examiner was published on January 3. Buznikov was drunk and fell. He was so drunk that his body didn’t bother moving from the position it fell in. That position happened to block his breathing.
The decedent’s name is Russian. His forename is often shortened to Alex.
Алексей Бузников… Лос-Анджелес, Калифорния, США
Позиционная асфиксия, или асфиксия в положении тела, — это состояние, при котором дыхательные пути человека блокируются из-за определенного положения его тела. Это может произойти, если человек находится в позиции, которая ограничивает его способность дышать, например, если он спит в кресле с головой, опущенной на грудь.
Alex Buznikov was a much-hated dentist who received Dentist License No. 51322 in the year 2003. After numerous complaints from patients, his dental license was revoked in 2019. The revocation, however, was stayed and he was merely given a four-year probationary term. As part of the settlement, he agreed to pay $21,000 to the Dental Board of California.
In the years after, the Board received additional complaints. Buznikov’s license was again revoked in April/May 2023 and the revocation was again stayed with a two-year probationary term.
Thereafter, the Board received more complaints, one as recently as September 26, 2023.
Dr. Alex Buznikov was gifted dentist from god, he give away smiles! He had divine and gold hands! He will be missed by more people in this world than who ever wrote this post above.
R.I.P my Alex my soulmate.
He was the worst dentist I have ever had. I sued him for over ten thousand dollars and won, and he refused to pay me. He has caused so many patients heartache, and the damage he did to their teeth. He has had his dental license suspended so many times and he just kept doing so much damage to his patients. I am very sorry that he has passed away, but the lifestyle that he chose to live is what caus
ed his passing. At least he can’t hurt anybody else.
You saw him with your eyes closed. He took smiles away. His so called Gold Hands, hurt so many people. He should never of had a dental license. He may be missed as a human, but no one will miss Dr. Alex, the dentist!