(L.A.) Dominic Cooper, 35, Died From Dogs’ Attack
Case Number: 2024-02869
Los Angeles County is reporting the death of a 35-year-old Black male that occurred in the yard of his residence.
The coroner’s office has identified the man as Dominic Cooper of Compton.
Manner of Death: Accident
Cause of Death: Multiple Traumatic Injuries
RIP DOMINIC COOPER (August 24, 1988 – February 16, 2024)
Formal pronouncement of death was made on Friday at 8:08 a.m.
The decedent was mauled by his own dogs.
Deputies had responded to the 900 block of North Thorson Avenue, a residential area south of Rosecrans Avenue, at around 7:10 a.m. on February 16, Friday, in response to a call by the victim’s girlfriend.
Cooper was believed to have been breeding 13 pit bulls at his home.
According to investigators, surveillance video caught the entire incident for posterity. At around 7:00 p.m. Thursday, the man appeared to have been feeding the dogs when a few of them began fighting, leading to the attack. He was viciously bitten for at least five minutes, until he was able to escape and secure himself inside an empty kennel. There he fidgeted for about 12 minutes until he finally became completely still. It was there that he was found lifeless the following morning.
In the aftermath, the county’s Department of Animal Care and Control took possession of the animals — five adults and eight puppies ranging in age from four to six months. The dogs, which were formally signed over to the county by Cooper’s father, were taken to the Downey Animal Care Center to be examined. On Tuesday, county officials confirmed that the animals had been euthanized.
Conclusions of the deputy medical examiner were published on March 26. Cooper suffered dozens of deep bites to his feet, legs and arms; despite no major organs being directly damaged, the wounds took their toll and he bled out.