UK: Man in His 40s Found Dead in Car… Unexpectedly
Hertfordshire Police are investigating the death of a man in his 40s who was found in a car in Hemel Hempstead yesterday, Sun day, August 14.
The ambulance service alerted the police to the death outside the four-storey block of flats at Bohemia off Queensway in the town center at eighteen minutes past four in the afternoon.
The death is being treated as unexpected.
Police officers were on duty Monday morning, and large black barriers had been placed around the car.
A police spokesperson said: “Detectives are investigating an unexpected death having been called to Bohemia, Hemel Hempstead, at 4.18pm on Sun day 14th August by the ambulance service.
“The body of a man aged in his 40s had been located within a car.
“Investigations into his death are currently ongoing.”
Cooper Noriega, 19yo Tiktok Star, Found Dead In Mall Parking Lot
Ted Nichols-Payne, 56, Collapsed in Parking Lot, Died in Hospital 💉
Is this real, is this actually happening? Yes! And they still want mandates and want people to be on the vaccine gravy-train!