(L.A.) Justin Gonzalez, 38, Died in a Hotel
Case Number: 2023-07967
Los Angeles County is reporting the death of a 38-year-old Hispanic male at a hotel.
The coroner’s office has identified the man as Justin Gonzalez.
Manner of Death: Suicide
Cause of Death: Pentobarbital and Metoclopramide Toxicity
RIP JUSTIN GONZALEZ (May 26, 1985 – June 29, 2023)
Formal pronouncement of death was made on Thursday at 2:48 p.m.
Ruling by the deputy medical examiner was published on January 4, presumably after the results of tox screening came back positive for the drugs.
Pentobarbital is a barbiturate drug used to induce sleep, cause sedation, and control certain types of seizures.
Metoclopramide is a medication used for stomach and esophageal problems. It is commonly used to treat and prevent nausea and vomiting, to help with emptying of the stomach in people with delayed stomach emptying, and to help with gastroesophageal reflux disease. It is also used to treat migraine headaches.