Argentine Footballer Dies From Blood Clots After 2nd Dose Of Covid Shot
Ronald Biglione, a soccer player with Deportivo Club Independencia in Argentina’s General Levalle league, has died a week after being diagnosed with blood clots.
Media outlets initially reported that he was suffering from a “rare disease” at the time of his death.
Later it was revealed that the cause of his death was actually ITP (thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura) resulting from his second dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.
Ronald Biglione, futbolista argentino de 32 años, falleció hace 4 días. Inicialmente dijeron que sufría una "rara enfermedad" pero después la información fue saliendo: trombosis a partir de la 2da dosis de la vacuna contra el Covid19.
— Mauricio Tapia (@mauriciotapia_) October 31, 2021
ITP is a blood disorder in wich blood clots form in small blood vessels throughout the body.
Vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia has been widely reported in medical literature in the wake of jab campaigns against the novel coronavirus disease.
Another ‘very rare’ sudden death of an athlete- I’ve read dozens of them today.