(L.A.) Valentina Kalutskikh, 79, Died From Natural Causes

Case Number: 2024-06308

Los Angeles County is reporting the death of a 79-year-old White/Caucasian female that occurred in a hospital.

The coroner’s office has identified the woman as Valentina Kalutskikh.

Manner of Death: Natural

Cause of Death A: Ischemic Heart Disease

Cause of Death B: Atherosclerotic Coronary Artery Disease

Other Significant Conditions: Medical History of Hypertension, Abdominal Hernia, Hyperlipidemia, Leukocytosis, Urinary Tract Infection

RIP VALENTINA KALUTSKIKH (January 10, 1945 – April 15, 2024)

Formal pronouncement of death was made on Monday at 6:55 a.m.

The decedent’s name appears to be Russian. Валентина Калуцких

Лос-Анджелес, Калифорния, США