(L.A.) Michael Hyatt, 74, Died at a Residence
Case Number: 2024-02258
Los Angeles County is reporting the death of a 74-year-old White/Caucasian male that occurred at his residence.
The coroner’s office has identified the man as Michael Hyatt.
Born in L.A. County. Mother’s maiden name is Nusbaum.
Manner of Death: Natural
Cause of Death: Arteriosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease
RIP MICHAEL ELLIOT HYATT (October 5, 1949 – February 5, 2024)
Formal pronouncement of death was made on Monday at 3:15 p.m.
The Department of Medical Examiner publicly disclosed the CoD ruling on March 17.
He was a well known film restoration artist. In the book, Death From a Thousand Cuts, his struggle to restore the great white whale of his life, Day of the Triffids is detailed. Dedicated, idealistic, a good person and a good friend.
So sorry to hear about Mike… I’ve known him since the early 1980’s through my film collecting addiction, and later work on Cinemas. I often came to the L.A. area for training and we would always get together. I lived in Utah then and Mike had a GF that was from Utah. His phone calls will be missed!!
I tried to get in touch with Mike but no answer so became concerned. I helped him locate the star of Day of the Triffids for his restoration and an interview, and he was going to credit me on the DVD. He tried unsuccessfully to locate the actress and I found her after 15 minutes so he was elated! Years ago he showed my friend and me his print of War of the Worlds at the Water Center in West LA. Made it a wonderful event, even provided snacks. Last time I saw him was when he came to LA… Read more »
Mike was introduced to me by a fellow film collector. He was selling my print of Day of the Triffids. After my friends sudden death, Mike contacted me and because of our mutual love of film, we became close friends. We talked 2 to 3 times a week. Because of our mutual political beliefs. Some times we would talk almost all night. I believe I might have been the last person he talked to. I know he had a brother but never asked his name or where he lived. he also had a house in Los Vegas that he was… Read more »