(L.A.) Gregory Yaloyan, 73, Died From Natural Causes
Case Number: 2024-10375
Los Angeles County is reporting the death of a 73-year-old White/Caucasian male that occurred at a business.
The coroner’s office identified the man as Gregory Yaloyan.
Manner of Death: Natural
Cause of Death A: Ischemic Heart Disease
Cause of Death B: Atheroslerotic Coronary Artery Disease
Other Significant Condition: Medical History of Hypertension
RIP GREGORY YALOYAN (September 3, 1950 – June 29, 2024)
Formal pronouncement of death was made on Saturday at 2:48 a.m.
Ruling by the deputy medical examiner was published on October 3. This was either a heart attack (myocardial infarction) or cardiac arrest.
We do not know if the decedent was injected with synthetic mRNA.
He appears to have been Soviet Armenian.