Canadian Woman Dies Minutes After Bivalent Booster Shot

Carol Pearce died suddenly in a Saskatchewan drugstore, reportedly within seven minutes of receiving a booster shot on Sept. 14.
Her daughter Stephanie Foster told that Pearce was visiting her at her home on the morning of Sept. 14 in Saskatoon until it was time for her appointment.
Pearce texted her daughter from the pharmacy at 12:31 pm, saying she had gotten the shot and was then waiting for the suggested 15-minute waiting time to pass.
By 12:38 pm, Pearce was unconscious inside the drugstore. tracked down a witness to the incident who said she heard people screaming inside the store around that time.
Pearce had collapsed on the floor, according to the witness. “It wasn’t long at all before the ambulance was there.”
A spokesperson from Saskatchewan Health told on Thursday that Pearce’s death was from natural causes.
“The Saskatchewan coroner’s service has investigated this instance and determined that the person died from natural causes,” Dale Hunter, communications consultant from the Saskatchewan Ministry of Health said in an email Thursday.
Foster, however, disagrees with that assessment.
“I do not believe this was caused from natural causes. My Mom had no health conditions. I believe had she not gotten that Covid shot then she would be here with us today. She left for her appointment happy and energetic,” said Foster.
Foster added that a doctor informed the Pearce family that she “dropped dead before she hit the floor” in the drugstore. The Sept. 14 injection seems to be the fourth shot of synthetic mRNA for the 69-year-old Pearce.
Foster and Pearce had been pro-vaccine, getting all of the required COVID-19 shots. In fact, Foster posted a photo in July 2021, stating that she “Stuck it to COVID” and that she was fully vaccinated.
Hunter from the health ministry told that as of Sept. 18 there have been ZERO deaths due to immunizations reported in Saskatchewan.
In the province of Saskatchewan, adverse events are posted publicly on this page:
On Wednesday, a woman dropped dead at this Saskatoon Shoppers Drug Mart after her booster. A friend of mine witnessed it. Two days later, they are refusing to be honest with people about the potential harms. Please share, it could save someone’s life.
— Heart (@Heart4Truth) September 17, 2022
For the full story, see the original news source:
RIP Carol Diane Pearce (1953-2022)
So a person drops dead within minutes of the shot and they deny that connection as well?