(L.A.) Zeff Rocco, 39, Died From Gunshots
Case Number: 2024-04835
Los Angeles County is reporting the death of a 39-year-old Latino male that occurred in a hospital.
The coroner’s office has identified the man as Zeff Rocco.
Manner of Death: Homicide
Cause of Death: Multiple Gunshot Wounds
RIP ZEFF ROCCO (December 13, 1984 – March 21, 2024)
Formal pronouncement of death was made on Thursday at 5:44 a.m.
Let this be a lesson kids, don’t do robberies, don’t jump out of a 3rd floor window to escape with a gun in your hands and don’t try to point the gun at officers or you will wind up like Zeff. My condolences to the family.
Zeff Rocco was good with dying. However, he wanted to kill cops, and he was generally a very shitty person. Congrats to LAPD SWAT for safely ridding the globe of this selfish, uncaring, violent clown.
Condolences to the cops who gladly put bullets into this moron, after he splatted himself to the ground from a 3rd floor balcony, and while he floundered in dog urine and covered his ugly tattoos with canine excrement in the innocent dog park he landed in.
Good riddance.