(L.A.) Suzana Tizabi, 42, Ended Her Life
Case Number: 2023-02619
Los Angeles County is reporting the death of a 42-year-old Caucasian female that occurred in a yard.
The coroner’s office has identified the woman as Suzana Tizabi.
Manner of Death: Suicide
Cause of Death: Hanging
Case Status: Closed Suzanna Tizabgar
RIP SUZANA TIZABI (July 2, 1980 – March 8, 2023)
Formal pronouncement of death was made on Wednesday at 7:45 a.m.
The decedent’s name appears to be Serbian/Macedonian. Сусана Надзакова / Сузана Тизаби

A detailed report by the government investigator and medical examiner on this death may be purchased from L.A. County for 67 dollars. This includes field notes on the surrounding circumstances. me.lacounty.gov/purchase-case-documents/?caseNumber=2023-02619
On February 8, 2019, Jacques Tizabi of Universal Detection Technology filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Central California.
In 2017, Floyd Associates et al. were ordered to pay BTIG the following:
- $19.2 million dollars
- $629,585 (USD) in post-award, pre-judgment interest under California law
Broker Check brokercheck.finra.org/individual/summary/2249386
Survived by brother Vasil Nadzakov.
(L.A.) Milorad Dujmic, 60, Died in a Bathroom on Christmas Eve