(L.A.) Jose Vidro Jr., 36, Died from Alcohol & Isobutanol

Case Number: 2023-00687

Los Angeles County is reporting the death of a 36-year-old “Black” male that occurred in a hotel/motel.

The coroner’s office identified the man as Jose Vidro Jr.

Manner of Death: Accident

Cause of Death: Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease

Other Significant Conditions: Acute Alcohol and Isobutanol Use; Obesity

RIP JOSE VIDRO JR. (December 11, 1986 – January 17, 2023)

Formal pronouncement of death was made on Tuesday at 12:22 p.m.

The medical examiner belatedly added the “Jr” to the decedent’s name.

Online searches show that the decedent actually goes by the name Jose Gil Vidro. He lived in West Hollywood and claimed New Haven, Connecticut, as his hometown. He just incorporated a company in Florida last year.

The decedent appears at least partly of Hispanic/Latin American descent.

Manner and cause were made public on April 10. The medical examiner ruled this an accident rather than a natural death likely because it was the alcohol and isobutanol use that precipitated the heart attack or cardiac arrest. We do not know if the decedent had been injected with synthetic mRNA.


Sudden death due to the inhalation of halogenated hydrocarbons is a well-documented phenomenon in the scientific and medical literature. Recently, there has been sporadic information suggesting that nonhalogenated hydrocarbons may cause potentially fatal cardiac arrhythmias. This report documents five sudden deaths due to inhalation of nonhalogenated hydrocarbons: n-butane, isobutane and propane. The hydrocarbons were identified by headspace gas chromatography in blood, brain, and lung tissue. Case histories, toxicological findings and analytical procedures are discussed.
