Misty Upham Raped at 2013 Golden Globes?
Ellen Page today put out a statement about the humiliation she suffered at the hands of director Brett Ratner. Among the things she mentioned within her statement is the alleged rape of Misty Upham that her father Charles Upham posted about on Facebook on October 15.
Here is his post:
The recent backlash with regard to Harvey Weinstein’s sexual allegations is blowing up like a NAPA Valley firestorm leaving a trail of victims in its wake. The smoke of this scandal can be seen through out the entertainment industry as many Hollywood insiders release a collective gasp. (Like you didn’t know this was going on!) The only thing bigger than the Weinstein media apocalypse is the hypocrisy that existed since the 1890’s when the casting couch, I mean movie camera was invented. Sure you now have found a sexual harassment poster boy in Weinstein that we can martyr to will ease the conscience of high society for a while. But this is not an isolated incident! This is an institutional problem that exists in in many Organizations and Corporate America including Religious Orders, Law Enforcement, Politics, Education, Federal, State and local Governments. The victims are not just women; they include men, elderly, mentally ill, children (male and female) of all races and even some animals.
My daughter, Misty Upham, was a victim of rape by a Weinstein Executive in 2013 at the Golden Globe Awards. The rapist forced her into the men’s room and had his way while other men in formal wear cheered him on as if he were chugging a beer in a contest. As Misty made the walk of shame back to the event, the Exec was given high fives, bragging rights and another notch in his Weinstein Co. belt. What should have been an auspicious occasion for Misty turned into a nightmare of pain, humiliation, fear and anxiety? Her mom and I pleaded with her to press charges since she still has the torn green dress she wore (Photo Above) with the DNA all over it. Misty was afraid to pursue charges because she knew Harvey Weinstein could protect his constituency and ruin her existence. Misty’s experience with Harvey Weinstein left her with the impression that he was a powerful man with many influential connections and could make people disappear. Once while riding in a limo with Quentin Tarantino, Harvey Weinstein and his assistant, somewhere between Salt Lake City and Park City, Utah, the assistant interrupted Weinstein and Tarantino’s conversation in a matter of urgent business; at which point Harvey Weinstein ordered the driver to stop and subsequently kicked his assistant out of the car in the middle of no where during a snow storm amidst subzero temperatures. Misty commented, “What if he freezes to death?” Weinstein retorted “ Somebody will come along and pick him up!” How could anyone expect a sincere investigation when the Weinstein’s company commander and chief is also a perpetrator? Misty said to me “Dad, every time a rape victim comes forward to get justice they become the cause of the matter!” This was not the first time Misty was raped and harassed by an Executive/Producer/Director/Actor etc. And you know who you are!
How many times have you heard the defense say things like: “She slept around with everyone.” or “She was smiling and flirting while being accosted!” or “She was dressed like a slut!” and “She knew what she was getting into but left with him anyway!” All of a sudden the rape victim become the blame in everyone’s eyes. This has been the trend now amongst Police Officers, Judges, Defenders even Prosecutors and witnesses alike. The rapist is not just a man thing either; this exercise of empowerment exists among every gender, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation and social class. The characteristic traits of these criminals are usually recognizable from childhood: A Bully, Socially Enabled, Possesses a Sense of Entitlement and Justified by partisan social circles. Sounds a lot like MANIFEST DESTINY (Google It). In many cases the crime becomes a matter of opinion and the rapist becomes the victim. It is no surprise that many rape victims stay silent. Most victims don’t report such crimes because they believe nothing will be done.
In the course of time the majority of the genders has developed a natural affection for the opposite sex or the same sex. In the ritual of courtship you may find yourself attending to your esthetic qualities in order to attract you mate. If this includes dressing provocatively, wearing makeup, flirting or even participating in a conversation that could lead to consummation. So what! That’s what people do! But nowhere in that ritual has the implied meaning been embedded that rape is ok. No means no! People are looking for a lasting relationship that is founded in love, trust and affection. Do you think a woman or her parents would want to have a relationship and have children with a person who raped her? Or would any parent brag on the fact that their child was best rapist in the family?
If Harvey Weinstein has become the poster boy of Sexual Harassment among the rich and powerful then Native American Women should exemplify the most disregarded rape victims in the Americas. According to the Violence Against Women Act of 1994 (VAWA) Indigenous Women have the highest rates of uninvestigated violent sex and abuse crimes among women per capita. Federal government studies have consistently shown that American Indian women experience much higher levels of sexual violence than other women in the U.S. Data gathered by the U.S. Department of Justice indicates that Native American and Alaskan Native women are more than 2.5 times more likely to be raped or sexually assaulted than women in the USA in general. First Nations women in Canada and Native American women in Border States like Minnesota and North Dakota have become the targets of commercial sex trade with little or no intervention from law enforcement. An intrinsic effort on the part of victims and advocacy groups was necessary to raise awareness so that Judicial, Legislative bodies and Politicians would be shamed into action on the behalf of the Native communities.
I know there are many people that will turn a blind eye, wallow in apathy or even entertain the thought of joining the ranks of sex abusers. Before you do I hope you recognize the emotional harm, life long pain and humiliation that these type of crimes bring to their victims; before you have to learn your lesson by experiencing the same type of abuse in some prison cell yourself.
Misty Anne Upham (July 6, 1982 – October 5, 2014) was a Native American actress best known for her role in the 2008 film Frozen River.
On October 16, 2014, Misty Upham’s body was found by a small search party organized by her family and other members of the Muckleshoot Tribe. She was found at the bottom of a cliff in a wooded area. Members of the search party believe her death was an accident — that she fell off the cliff in the dark.
On December 3, 2014, the King County Medical Examiner released a report stating Misty Upham had died of blunt-force injuries to her head and torso on October 5, 2014, the day she disappeared. The medical examiner stated that “the manner of her death – whether by foul play, suicide or accident – could not be determined.”
So terribly saddened and heartbroken by this story. What should have been a wonderful night for this woman turned to tragedy by someone who obviously has absolutely no humanity.
I’m so terribly sorry for her and her family. I hope justice can be done.
The men involved here are less than animals. They need to be punished.
When u put it exactly like that, this is tragic.
Do you still have the dress? Give it to the DA, maybe it will ID the perp and we can prevent there from being a next victim.
IF the dress has any DNA it would only show that he may have had sex with her it wouldn’t prove that he raped her, I find it hard to believe that at the Golden Globes a Weinstein Executive dragged her into the men’s room and raped her in front of a bunch of random guys while they all cheered and high fived him after he was finished. It’s not like they’re saying it happened privately in Harvey’s hotel room around his paid guards and assistants that he possibly assaulted too this supposedly was at one of the biggest events… Read more »
Tell me you know nothing about men without telling me you know nothing about men.
did u notice the girl is dead now… murdered. that’s a disgusting response
I’m in no way saying this was ok. This POS needs to pay. After saying that…….Why was a 13 yr old girl alone. I would’ve been stuck to her like glue. If I couldn’t her dad definitely would.