(L.A.) Michelle Servary, 38, Died in a Hospital
Case Number: 2023-03736
Los Angeles County is reporting the death of a 38-year-old Caucasian female that occurred in a hospital.
The coroner’s office has identified the woman as Michelle Servary.
Manner of Death: Undetermined
Cause of Death: Effects of Ethylene Glycol
RIP MICHELLE SERVARY (July 18, 1984 – April 6, 2023)
Formal pronouncement of death was made on Thursday at 4:10 p.m.
The medical examiner was unable to conclude as to whether this was an accident, suicide, homicide or natural death.
Ethylene glycol is a toxic alcohol found in various household and industrial products, most commonly antifreeze. It is a colorless, sweet-tasting liquid that can be extremely dangerous if ingested, with significant morbidity and mortality if left untreated.
This death should be considered a homicide and absolutely needs to be investigated. Who brought her in or how did she end up in the hospital? What was the cause of death other than being “brain dead”?