(L.A.) Michelle Servary, 38, Died in a Hospital

Case Number: 2023-03736

Los Angeles County is reporting the death of a 38-year-old Caucasian female that occurred in a hospital.

The coroner’s office has identified the woman as Michelle Servary.

Manner of Death: Undetermined

Cause of Death: Effects of Ethylene Glycol

RIP MICHELLE SERVARY (July 18, 1984 – April 6, 2023)

Formal pronouncement of death was made on Thursday at 4:10 p.m.

The medical examiner was unable to conclude as to whether this was an accident, suicide, homicide or natural death.

Ethylene glycol is a toxic alcohol found in various household and industrial products, most commonly antifreeze. It is a colorless, sweet-tasting liquid that can be extremely dangerous if ingested, with significant morbidity and mortality if left untreated.