Trump Shot in Pennsylvania

President Trump just got shot on the side of his head at his rally in Pennsylvania.

Trump shot by ear

Saturday afternoon, July 13, 2024

Trump after being shot at

Trump bleeding on stage after being shot

Bullet whizzing past Trump’s head

Bullet on trajectory to back of Trump's head

Photo by Doug Mills of The New York Times

One of the bullets meant for Trump fatally hit one of his supporters.

person shot dead at Trump rally

Elon Musk Endorses Donald Trump After Assassination Attempt on the Former President

CNN Headline: Trump Rushed Off Stage by Secret Service

Washington Post Headline: Trump Rushed Offstage After Loud Noises Heard at Rally

Washington Post headline after Trump shot


Associated Press Headline: Trump Escorted Off Stage After Loud Noises Ring Out

USA Today Headline: Trump Removed From Stage After Noises Startle Former President

Trump blood on face under American flag

Trump shot under USA flag